About us
Since 1968 we have been gaining our experience on the field of cultural activities. Hence our organization is absolutely unique organizing various authorial and educational events and recently implementing projects granted by the European Funds. Our main purpose is maintaining the image of the institution that is very active and creates friendly, cultural relationship with the inhabitants of Zacisze Estate, Targówek Borough and even the City of Warsaw. Due to our uncommon activities we are not a typical Community Center.
We cooperate with people with charismatic personalities, who are willing to share their opinions. We also fulfill the needs of our students as well as our friends, both younger and older.
Every year we prompt, stimulate and work out various new forms of educational and artistic activities that are conducted by our professional staff.
Our offer consists of variety of meetings, concerts, workshops, contests, festivals, artistic weekends as well as trips, both in Poland and abroad. The purpose of these actions is integrating our community – children, teenagers, adults, students of University for Elderly People and the Siberian. We give them a chance to spend their free time in the most creative way, to present their skills and abilities and to learn how to derive from the tradition of Polish European and Global Culture
Cultural Zacisze! Artistic Zacisze! Zacisze For You!
If you are interested in our actions, we would like you to join us.
The Director of Dom Kultury “Zacisze”: Mr Rafał Dworacki; e-mail: r.dworacki@zacisze.waw.pl
Organizing events, festivals and other cultural activities: Mr Wojciech Szuniewicz e-mail: w.szuniewicz@zacisze.waw.pl
Preparing and implementing EU Projects: Ms Magdalena Turska; e-mail: m.turska@zacisze.waw.pl
Coordinator of Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku (University for Elderly People): Ms Taida Załuska; e-mail: utw@zacisze.waw.pl,
Public Relations: Ms Marzena Szychułda; e-mail: pr@zacisze.waw.pl
Sacretariat: e-mail: sekretariat@zacisze.waw.pl